Work in progress.

I’ve been struggling with time management SO HARD. With being back to work for the last month, I find that everything else gets put on the back burner. I am so burnt out and exhausted after work, that I can’t fathom anything else. Am I the only person that struggles with this?! How do you […]


I mentioned in my last post that my weight loss on the scale had been stalled. This morning, I woke up and I had dropped 1.5 lbs. Days like this bring so much joy to my life. As much as I’d like to say that it’s not about that number on the scale, a lot […]

The Good Stuff.

I knew when I started this journey my relationship with food was going to change. I mean duh, shrinking your stomach to the size of a walnut with a capacity of 1 ounce compared to the 3 pints of food/drink that a normal stomach can handle, is going to definitely change how and what you […]


Today marks three weeks post-op. Holy shit. I can’t believe that it’s been this long. I literally feel like it’s only been a couple of days. I wish I could say that I’ve been losing like crazy, but I’m at the infamous 3 week stall. So many people in the WLS Community go through a […]


It’s been about a week since I’ve last written. A lot has happened in a week, but the last few days, I have been extremely nauseated with no relief. It makes everything miserable. I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to drink, I don’t want to talk… I literally just want to cry. I […]

Shake it off.

You guys… yesterday was a really hard day. I was in the funk of all funks. To make matters worse, I sat and watched 8 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. Whew, talk about an emotional train wreck. Monday marked one week post-op. I survived a whole week after joining what people in the Weight Loss Surgery […]

Breaking The Habit.

Now that I’ve shared that I’m having surgery and high-level overview of how I made this decision, we can somewhat move forward with the process and how it began for me. That breaking point I hit in my last post was close to rock bottom for me. I’ve been there before, but this time I […]