Meet Chalcye

Welcome to Challenging Chalcye! My name is Chalcye Atkins… I see your confusion so I’ll give you some help, Chelsea. I am your not-so-average thirty-something mother and wife raised and rooted in Northwest Ohio. I pride myself on having a close-knit family and being the best mom and stepmom I can be. I do my best to be a supportive and loving wife, daughter, sister, friend, and co-parent. Some days I succeed, and others, well, I have to try again the next day. Thank goodness for tomorrows. I refuse to let my husband and my kids leave from anywhere without me telling them that I love them. That is my greatest accomplishment.

I have always enjoyed writing and have found that blogging is a great way for me to get my “sillies” out and allows me to share the “tough” stuff without having to say it out loud. My current journey through weight-loss surgery has provided an outlet for me to not only share my present and future goals, but also helps me to show others how I got to this chapter in my life. This journey is a whole new way of life for me, and many others who have joined the WLS Community. By sharing my journey, tips, recipes, best practices, etc. I will be able to guide people just starting out, enduring, or struggling through the same process. I’ve always felt alone and like most people couldn’t understand what I was going through. I never want anyone to have to feel the way that I have felt at times over the past 30+ years. I am not a medical professional nor do I always have the answers, but I can promise my readers that you will always get transparency in both good and bad situations. You will always have a safe-place to come when you need someone to listen or get feedback.

When I’m not blogging about my weight-loss journey or day-to-day struggles, I enjoy spending time with my family, rooting for the Michigan Wolverines, cheering for my girls while they play volleyball, taking pictures, crafting, spending time at the pool/river, or binge watching Netflix/Hulu. I also work full-time in the banking industry, but my number one passion is my family. They are my biggest support system and I am theirs. There is nothing in this world that I cannot achieve without them by my side. I have been blessed with an amazing husband who never ceases to encourage me to achieve my goals. He is always in my corner, even when he doesn’t 100% agree with me, and I thank God every day for allowing me to spend the rest of my life with someone who gives me more than I deserve every single day.

Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me and I look forward to getting to know you. Please feel free to contact me via WordPress, Instagram, or Facebook.

❤ C