Shake it off.

You guys… yesterday was a really hard day. I was in the funk of all funks. To make matters worse, I sat and watched 8 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. Whew, talk about an emotional train wreck. Monday marked one week post-op. I survived a whole week after joining what people in the Weight Loss Surgery […]

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.

Do you know what I love? Chicken wings. That simple, chicken wings… sauce/no sauce, good ranch, celery sticks, must not be fleshy, no breading, seasoned well, and cooked to perfection. For me chicken wings are like most normal people’s pizza or cheeseburger. I’ve been on a strictly liquid diet for 3 weeks now, I’m starting […]

One Day At A Time.

I made it. I’m 4 days post-op, and gradually getting stronger every day. Surgery day and the first day post-op are a giant blur. I was out of it and really could not stay awake. The anesthesia, the pain medication, and the nausea really hit me hard. Post-op day 2, I was able to be […]

Keep F*cking Going.

Sorry for the vulgar language, but those of you who know my personally understand that I don’t really hold back when I’m in my feelings. The other day I received a package from one of my closest friends. In it was a bracelet/cuff that had “keep f*cking going” engraved on the inside. Little did she […]

Breaking The Habit.

Now that I’ve shared that I’m having surgery and high-level overview of how I made this decision, we can somewhat move forward with the process and how it began for me. That breaking point I hit in my last post was close to rock bottom for me. I’ve been there before, but this time I […]

Scars to Your Beautiful.

I have always been heavy,  even when I was playing sports, working out, active… sadly, always the chubby/overweight/heavy/fat/big girl. The nurse who did my blood draw at my pre-admission testing, said something that resonated with me when I told her I was tough to get blood out of, “people don’t look at us as being […]


I’m having gastric bypass. Whew. That was pretty painful to type for everyone to see. This journey started almost 3 years ago, and it has been difficult every step of the way. This process has been exhausting, emotional… and worth it. Typically when I share that I’m having this surgery, people immediately feel the need […]